date: 2002-11-23
description: dreams: ride somewhere on bikes with Fizz and Adam, sneak into movie, making Wolfenstein level and sun will explode;
lj-entry-id: 215,150

dreams: ride somewhere on bikes with Fizz and Adam, sneak into movie, making Wolfenstein level and sun will explode; - 2002-11-23 - Entry 231 - TOGoS's Journal

So while lying on Bob's couch last night (this morning) I had a couple dreams that I remembered.

In the first one I remember, I was riding my bike with Fizz down some highways. I had been there before, when driving with Mom. I don't know if it was earlier in the dream that I had been driving there with Mom or if it was in a different dream from a while ago... But anyway, it was getting kinda dark out. Adam was with us, and he kept complaining because he didn't want to ride his bike so far.

We went to some movie that we weren't supposed to go to because we weren't special enough. We just kind of snuck past the first gate and after that it was easy. We (I; and actually I felt like Homer Simpson) sat way up in some balcony for only really fancy people, because there weren't many people there and it seemed less likely that we'd get caught there. We didn't get caught. I seem to remember watching a video of us coming in and sitting down or something.

In my other dream, the end of the world was coming. The sun was going to explode and we had to leave. NASA (ha!) was building stuff to get some people out of here. They were building a moonbase to start with, and all the infrastructure to get everyone out.

I was designing a Wolfenstein level. There was something about interestingly colored gum balls that I was collecting. I liked the dark green and purple and blue ones.

I was listening to the news and heard something about "NASA has sent the last ship into space" I didn't think that all the ships they had sent up there would be enough to do everything that we needed.