date: 2002-12-08 (Sunday)
description: dream: home with Linux box, alternate me, 'Tron device';
lj-entry-id: 219,235

dream: home with Linux box, alternate me, 'Tron device'; - 2002-12-08 (Sunday) - Entry 239 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream about something here... I think there was something about the railroad tracks, and maybe a truck... Sarah was talking about 'the Tron device'...

Oh yeah... I went out with Kern or something. Weird.

In the last part of my dream, I was at home playing with my linux box in the basement. We had the ethernet strung all over so that you could just plug your computer in to the nearest socket, and that was kinda nice. So I was sitting there using giFT and downloading some files for the .p directory. I was playing a video on the TV upstairs (from my computer in the basement - but it wasn't in my room - it was rght at the bottom of the stairs). I was at the sink getting some water or something, and then Dad came in. He thought the video was really weird (there was some crazy guy dancing around with black poles), so I went back downstairs and did a 'fade to black' thing. When I came back up I brought up some orange juice or something. Sitting at the table was the other me. I mean there somehow were 2 of me, except the other one was a girl. My dad came back into the kitchen and said something, and I said to the other me "I can't believe he didn't notice!", since we were exactly the same. Then I realized that we weren't both the girl me (which was kinda dissapointing because she was a lot better looking than the regular me (she didn't look like the regular me at all)). We made up some crazy drink and I went out in the living room and was drinking it while Sarah was leaving (she had been visiting us for a while). She kept talking about 'the Tron device' and how it was going to take over the world. Mom wanted to know what it was and Sarah told her it was just a computer that played chess. If I accellerated my drink, it would change colors. So I was doing that and everyone thought it was neat. I would move it up and it would be orange, then I would quickly move it down, and it would be green.

In other news, my computer seems to not crash as long as I don't use putty, IE, or Winamp. :-P