date: 2003-02-09 (Sunday)
description: tunnel, fiery
lj-entry-id: 238,203

tunnel, fiery - 2003-02-09 (Sunday) - Entry 271 - TOGoS's Journal

Ooh. Lots of dreams while I was sleeping on the floor, there.

In one, we had walled off the very back of our laundry room, where the washing mahine was. We had dug a tunnel back there in a dream I had a long time ago. It went out to the north, and then there was a room. It was really cool, and I was going to go exploring, but I spent the rest of the dream trying to find a flashlight. I was thinking about what would happen if I tried to dig more and the roof collapsed on me. I had to get some sort of breathing tube that would go out to the basement.

There was another dream where there was this little shop of some sort. I don't really know what it was. But inside, there was this little capsule thing that I climbed into, and it took me down underground and through all these fiery tunnels and things. I don't really remember where we ended up. But I might have gone through again, and there were other people with me.

In the last dream I remember, there were these people standing around, and there was an island off a little ways with some sort of power plant or fatory or something with a big smokestack. It was the last city or something. One of the people over here on the shore was yelling at them, and convinced them to stop. Then there were big waves in the lake... It was like it was the end of the world or something.

For English, 'TT' is due Monday. Unfortunately, I don't know what 'TT' is. English is the worst class, ever. I should do Math and EE, too. Blah. And for Eng I have to make a time table for writing my research paper. Blah. And I have to think about my Comparison/Contrast paper, too.

.NET reference. Yay!