date: 2003-02-18 (Tuesday)
description: Walk east of Platteville
lj-entry-id: 242,57

Walk east of Platteville - 2003-02-18 (Tuesday) - Entry 279 - TOGoS's Journal

I just went for an awesome walk.

For dinner, I had a baked potato with cheese sauce and broccoli and some salad. Then I grabbed some ice cream with butterfinger crumbs and started going for a walk. I took the standard route down the path by Hugunin. By the time I was passing the garbage can by the basketball courts (on the way to the woods) I had finished my ice cream and placed my cup and spoon into the recepticle.

That Trig guy that was so obnoxious last semester stopped by to show me his thumb. It was really yucky. He seems to be getting better.

Anyway, I went across the bridge and into the woods ant turned right, like I did last time. So I was walking along, sucking in my tummy. I tried taking some weird-cut (not neccessarily short or long) into the woods, but that didn't work so well, so I walked back out onto the path. The path was full of yellow puddles. Beyond the trees to my right were a bunch of deer.

After I got up to the top, I took a different route to get down. I actually didn't go all the way to the top, but turned off in that area with all the trees that some idiot killed. I was thinking about how dumb that was. After following the path down for a while, I was between 2 ravines, and the path seemed to be making a U-turn. I didn't want to turn around, so I ended up tromping through the woods for about 50 feet until I found the path, again. It was right near the edge of the hill over the stream. So from there I took the normal route through someone's poopy field with the mud puddle and over the fence. I was going the same way I went last time. Except when I got to that one slippery hill (and had fallen on my elbow trying to get up), I just went up the hill next to it, and then instead of going North into campus, I went south, instead.

I followed the road to the right. Some cars went by with their headlights shining really bright. I was thinking about how I had done something like this before, and that time I had gotten lost. But I didn't really have to be anywhere until tomorrow, so I just went. I turned right onto a gravelly road, wondering if this was the same way Adam had gone running that one time. It seemed likely.

So I was walking along this gravelly road. I noted how whenever a car came a corner on the road that I had just come off of, their headlights would sweep across the sky. The road I was on was a lot less busy. I passed by the field at the top of the hill from the back side (so now I know a short cut).

It was a while before anybody passed me. Some guy in a truck, I think. I walked and walked and walked. The light from Platteville was fading. I could see the stars really well. I was looking for the north star and across to Orion o see where they were. It seemed like Orion's sword or whatever pointed prety much toward the south pole.

I would walk by a dog and he would bark, and then another dog, really far away might start barking. I could hear dogs on and off for a long time. Some more people passed me in cars. I was thinking about how you could use tethers to connect your space stations and things, and then you wouldn't need rockets to move between them. You could just pull yourself along in a tether climber thing. I was thinking about how you might have it so that you could have cars going both ways, and how you could anchor the tethers so that you could let go of them in case someone got hit by a comet and you didn't want the whole system flying apart.

I crossed a bridge. There was water flowing under the ice under the bridge. And then I walked some more.

I walked by a housish thing. It had lights. I kinda had to poop. I considered going in the woods, but soom there were more houses around, so I forgot about that idea.

Soon I was walking back uphill, and then I was up at the top. I think it was a bit colder up there. Anyway, I could see the lights of Platteville from there. And I could see the chimney being the tallest building in town, and there was some shorter thing with lights next to it. I assumed that that was the tower.

The wind started blowing on me. It was cold. It seemed kind of like a dream I might have had. If I waved my arms right maybe I could fly. No such luck. I thought about taking a shortcut straight towards the tower, but then remembered that there was a river in the way.

As I was approaching the road I had ridden my bike on one time last semster (when I was mad at Fizz for some reason), this dog barked at me and ran out. I said "Hello, Dog", and he ran off into a garage. Then he came out and ran up to me again and I petted hum for a while. But I had to get home, so after a while I went off, again. I came out onto the other road right where I expected to, which I whought was strange because usually when I do something like that I end up coming out on the wrong road or a few miles away from where I expect to.

So I walked back towards Platteville. To my right I thought I saw the sewage plant, and thought about taking a short cut, but it didn't seem like I was close enough, so I kept walking. Then I saw the dorms, so I knew I was getting there. And I found a place to take a short cut across toward the dorms. I was walking over a hay field on a hill. It looked like I'd have to go into and out of a ravine/valley or 2 on my way. I had to crawl through some bushes, and at one point had to deal with a really annoying barbed wire fence. And then I got to climb up a pile of old concrete slabs. Then I was behind the baseball court. So then I went back to my room and restarted the Pi download and ate some of the cheese and crackers the Nelsons sent me.

It feels like spring, outside. Smells like easter.

Oh, yes. And I talked to PetWolverine about Fight Club, yesterday. Or maybe it was today.