date: 2003-02-24
description: cut hair,
lj-entry-id: 244,199

cut hair, - 2003-02-24 - Entry 283 - TOGoS's Journal

I started playing with Freenet last night.

I slept downstairs in he lounge because I couldn't sleep.

I was dreaming, and it was fairly interesting.

First there was something about walking along the railroad tracks down by Allied. Except it was like it had been in another dream. I was wearing my white shoes because they were more comfortable than my boots.

I had cut my hair and shaved my beard and stuff off. In the dream I decided that would be a good thing to do, but I don't think I'd really do that.

Then I was playing some game with a lot of people. It involved running around this obstacle course. Everyone was supposed to think of what funny thing they'd do when they won. I was going to run like a dog.

In the last part, I was trying to increment a counter lots and lots of times. In Pyton, I think. It seemed like it was going up really fast at first (it only took a few seconds to count past 4 billion), but then I realized it was doing something weird. So I was trying to figure out how to fix it.