date: 2003-03-15 (Saturday)
lj-entry-id: 587,14

2003-03-15 (Saturday) - Entry 295 - TOGoS's Journal

It started out with a school bus. It was like on the Simpsons or something. The kids would all stand on one side and somehow turn the bus over. Then it acted like a boat. So then there was this bus with a round bottom driving all over the world. There seemed to be some kind of fin sticking out the bottom that would catch on stuff. Often when a kid had to get on, he would cont on it catching on the ground under him and holding on until he had a chance to get on. So these weird kids kept getting on the back of the bus and bringing a chunk of land with them. Eventually this bus turned into a set of continents. The ones where all my friends and I lived were to the east and were blue and red. To the east of those were a series of suspension bridges, and I don't know where those went. To the west of the blue and red continents, though, were 2 black continents. They weren't as well-formed as the others; they were basically a bunch of islands. It was inhabited by these people with black stone heads, kinda like the kid from easter island on The Critic. There was one who was way at the westernmost point. I guess he was piloting the whole 'bus' (even though earlier that had been the back end of the bus). He was talking to me over some wireless phone system, telling me that he was worried about his continents. They seemed to have quite a bit of control over the whole bus, and he thought they might do something mean.

One day, when we were parked by New York city, the bridges suddenly twisted over into the ocean. All the people on them had to quick grab onto something. All of us from the front of the bus (the red and blue continents and the bridges) got off and went to the beach. Some of the people were wandering around the city looking for something on their horses. But in order to get in you had to go through the sewers and climb way up through all these tunnels. Everything was huge. There were giant statues and huge doors all over. Everything was made of green marble or copper. And it was hard because there were a lof of water slides like from the second zone of Sonic 3. So it was quite a journey. It seemed like he was being kind of hard on his horses, too. But he finally got to the top, and knocked the head off the statue of liberty. He was trying to show the baddies that he could knock anything apart. We thought about launching a big rock at them, but decided that that wouldn't work, since their continent was so huge, it would probably land in the middle of a desert and nobody would notice.

So we decided the best thing to do would be to raise the ocean. I found a way to make water involving a large block of white cheese. I also did some experiments involving stringing some cheese out. But it was working. I was pouring water into the ocean (from the cheese) and the water was slowly creeping up the beach. It was night, and I was looking at the moon, and thinking about the sun and how they could affect my water-raising project and how I could use them.

I remembered that I had some kind of programmable device in my ear. It was some geek thing. Like we all had one (or two, rather). It basically blocked most sound from the outside, but then you could program it to play certain sounds. Mostly it was used to apply a bunch of filters to sounds outside. Like I had mine running a limiter filter. If I turned it off and just let everything through, I heard all these loud, high-pitched noises that I wouldn't hear otherwise. Then I realized that I could use these when my roommate was making noise and I was trying to sleep.

I stopped reading the book and looked out my window at the moon. I was lying up in my bed. I was up in the top bunk, but nobody lived in the bottom one.