date: 2003-04-05
lj-entry-id: 263,200

2003-04-05 - Entry 309 - TOGoS's Journal

Ooh. Dreams last night:

Well I was working on a Doom level. It was a lot like Crapi03. All the kids were over. The baby always chose really weird times to sleep. Like she'd be up for 48 hours and then sleep for 72. It was very unpredictable. Someone (Ben, I guess) was letting me play their guitar. So I was trying to figure out how to do that. I found out that one song could be played just by doing something really simple. Dad and I rode out bikes home from somewhere, and Jack Sheier (sp?) was with us. Sometimes we'd go off the road and through some trees and there was this grassy muddy place we'd ride. I managed to put my linux machine into a shoe, and while we were at home, we had 2 linux machines running and Dad wanted me to figure out how to make 2 soundcards work in one of them.