date: 2003-05-04 (Sunday)
lj-entry-id: 269,135

2003-05-04 (Sunday) - Entry 319 - TOGoS's Journal

I'm done with English, in case I didn't mention that in the last entry.

I spent last night until about 2 in the morning working on making this SpookShare2 thing better. Watched some scary flash animations.

I had a dream that I was going to set up a RAID array of cheap 20GB disks. It was going to be awesome. There was also a dream about a ZDoom level that had these rooms with platorms that swung around. It looked pretty good, even though it was done with some tricks involving changing the slope of the floor.

I worked on SS2 more, today, and made it more awesome.

I will go try to return Fizz's CDs, right now. Cold and windy outside; it's awesome.