date: 2003-05-09
lj-entry-id: 272,24

2003-05-09 - Entry 323 - TOGoS's Journal

So I had some interesting (if not entirely wacky) dreams this morning.

The earliest one I can remember was a Doom level. Apparently using horizon lines didn't just extend the ground forever. It put in hills and trees and things in the distance, making it pretty.

There was this one building in this level that was someone's house or something that I was looking after. And then there was this thing where there were these guys on a rock with a little building on it that got blown out of the galaxy somehow. Outside it was very empty. They were not happy about the situation.

There were some roads and paths that went around the UWPlatt campus back behind Brockert, Pickard, etc. They led up to the top of a hill and down again. But there was also an entire city with some larger roads going nearby. I needed to get somewhere, and someone gave me directions on which roads to take to get there.

* * *

Yeah. OK. So I told Fizz to come on by and get me if he was going to a party or something. As I was trying to figure out why ripping his 'Untouchables' CD resulted in 44-byte wav files (this was a problem) via a google search, he came by with Ben, Matt, Adam (as in his roommate) and Ben (that's two Bens), and we started walking around looking for a party. I wasn't planning to drink anything.

So we walked around for a while and eventually found this party. I didn't buy a cup (haha!) and of course everyone asked me why I wasn't drinking anything. And then they made attempts at being jerks about it.

Eventually Adam and Matt bought me a cup (I said I'd drink if they paid for it) and I had a beer. Drank lots of water along with it in an attempt to not get drunk. Then I ended up having a second one. Someone farted and it was really bad smelling. And near the end I went in more well-lit room and some guy made me play this game where I ended up drinking another beer. And I didn't get enough water along with that one. And then we left. And I started to de-soberize as we went home. Adam talked about how people were evolving according to their economic status. This conversation was spawned by one regarding the color of his hair.

So I'm a bit inebriated at the moment. Not as bad as Adam had been. And I signed up for check-outs (won't be able to leave until after 14:30 on Thursday; gotta e-mail Ma and Pa 'bout that). And now... I will resume my attempt at ripping 'Untouchables'.

I had a dream last night thqat I went to a party and dummb stuff happened. Weird, eh?