date: 2000-09-23
content-type: text/html
description: Cops
lj-entry-id: 147,147

Cops - 2000-09-23 - Entry 33 - TOGoS's Journal

This is from the e-mail I sent will + fizz

Tonight (Fri/Sat) I was going for a walk in the rainstorm, and I decided to go back behind the wall by the beltline. There's alot of brush back there, and it was all wet. I came to a driveway-type thing that goes by some apt. buildings, and thought I'd come out of the brush. As I came out, a couple of cars were shining their headlights straight in my face, and I was trying to figure out which way they were going to turn, which way I should try to walk around them, and which way to walk in order to avoid a large puddle. The closer car just stoped right in front of me still shining it's lights in my face which I thought was kinda rude, so I gave a dirty look in the supposed direction of the driver. As I walked around the car, I noticed it was one of those police-type cars with the funny lights on top (so was the other one). As I walked buy, a dude came out and asked me something (I forgot exactly what) which convinced me I should answer his silly questions. After all, I had gone through this a while ago when a dude thought that me and davida were stealing tires off cars. This time though, they had to 'feel' me to make sure I didn't have any weapons or anything, told me there had been a report of some yokel screaming, and then they made me sit in their car, with my wet raincoat. That's when I decided things were getting a little rediculous. I answered a bunch more questions which I really didn't want to (I don't usually like pouring my guts out (or my address and telephone number) to strangers), figuring it would help get it over with quicker. Then they made me sit in the car for 10 minutes. Then, a guy came back and made me give him my SS number I hesitated on that a little bit, and so he started being really rude. Finally they let me go and I think they might have apologized, but I kdoubght (dowt) it.

I'm still not quite sure whether to think it's funny, or to be mad at them for interrupting my otherwise would-be-pleasant walk and making it unpleasant. I think I'll do both.

Anyway, that rude guy's going on my people who suck list.