date: 2003-05-21 (Wednesday)
description: tower of king, last day of school dreams
lj-entry-id: 278,163

tower of king, last day of school dreams - 2003-05-21 (Wednesday) - Entry 330 - TOGoS's Journal

Wow. How'd it get to be Wednesday so fast?

I haven't written about my drive to Chicago with Jon on Monday night, yet, so I'll mention that, here. Jon had me drive his little green car down there. It rained almost the whole way. I later found out (from Dad) that this was because we were following the storm, which wasn't actually that big. So it rained really hard and Jon's car's engine screws up a lot when it gets wet. So I had to downshift a lot to get it hot enough to evaporate the water. After the first toll oothsome jerk gave us the finger. That was dumb. We finally got out of the storm as we were driving into Chicago. It was still kinda wet out, though, I think. Anyway, when we got to the hospital Jon had me drive around the block a few times until he came out. Then we went to some children's hospital where we got to park. Jon didn't like the lady that was standing where he wanted to park. We stopped at a couple gas stations while finding our way out of the place and Jon bought candy (but not gas). Jon was driving, now. So that was nice. We eventually stopped at the same gas station I think we stopped at the last time I went to Chicago with Jon and he had me drive his Van half way down, and he made me drive the rest of the way back to Madison.

Last night I had a funny dream. The first part I remember involved running away from some sort o monster that resembled an alligator. I'd have to run through the basement toward the bilco door, but then there'd be these stupid puzzles I'd have to solve each time I wanted to get through (so that made it harder to get out before the monster caught up with me).

The king lived way up on top of this huge tower that was made of scaffolding. Like the Eagle at Great America. It was the end of the school year, and I was all excited about it being the end, so I went and climbed up the tower (interestingly (or maybe not) there was a story on World News Tonight about the youngest perseon ever to climb Mt. Everest). I guess the king was up there. Whoever it was I was talking to up there was friendly enough.

Afterwards, I was hanging out with Adam in our room. He had some friends over and we were watching movies and trading warez and music. I thought it would be a good idea to get out some alcoholic beverage(s). Adam reminded me that we lived on the 'substance free' wing. So I said (in an embarassed manner) "Oh, yeah. OK", and put the bottle away.

I was leaving the building with Fizz. We were taking the elevator down. Then something weird happened and the ceiling started coming down on us and we had to get out quick. We figured that that was something that was supposed to happen. Some weird joke.

So we got into the other elevator, which had a bunch of girls in it with all their stuff (they were leaving, too). There was just enough room for us. Then one of the walls disappeared and they turned into hockey players and there was a hockey rink with logs. And we were supposed to roll some logs over to them so they could use them to carry food.

Now (as in awake and not dreaming) (and what happened to that entry where I talk about the dream where I thought I was writing down my dream (with a crayon) until I realized I was still dreaming?) I'm listening to music and working on the new TRServ::WebServer, etc. It works pretty much the same as the old TRServer, but only does HTTP/1.0 for the moment, so it's a bit less complicated.

King of Snake

It's getting light out at about 4:00 these days. Right now it's 4:21 and getting light out outside. I'm eating some Incredible Hulk cereal and drinking foojoy green tea at the moment because I've decided (for now) that this getting tired and falling asleep business is for the birds. I've got stuff I want to do. And tomorrow I really ought to go out and try to apply for a job here and there.

I think I'll give up on trying to make a system tray icon for now. Dealing with the Win32 API looks like a lot of work.