date: 2003-06-28
description: Re: Re: Re: Re: CD
lj-entry-id: 287,160

Re: Re: Re: Re: CD - 2003-06-28 - Entry 347 - TOGoS's Journal

Haha. Well I'm back now (2003-06-28; got back a few minutes ago). So, uhh... Yeah, whatever. I made Shanie go see Matrix 2 with me. It was weird. Call me or something if you ever want to do anything, because I'm almost always here, but you're at work :-P

Trip was fun, but they made us pray too much. So that was kinda dumb. :-P But they have good water down there. And I got a bunch of 1L bottles from free Pepsi Blue that we got which are awesome.

Yes. Come to my house after 22:00 to play Doom :-) Actually earlier would probably usually work, too, since my Dad also uses his other machine a lot.

"Timothy J. Walton" <> wrote:

sorry i don't check my mail very often--i have to go online to do it so i don't very often. So i should come to your house after 10pm to play doom? That sounds awesome. I'm not sure if you're back right now--i think you are because it's the monday after the sunday after the 22nd. Tonight and tomorrow night won't work too well fer me cuz tonight i'm watching a movie and tomorrow night i have to get up at 6 the next day. After that's probly fine though. I just saw terminater 2 and it was an awesome movie. Hopefully 3 will be awesome too. We could go see it sometime, except my mom wants to go with me too, so maybe i'll see it twice, or we could see the hulk or something.

that was a long paragraph


-----Original Message-----
From: George Bush <>
To: "Timothy J. Walton" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 20:13:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Re: CD

Man, when I got your e-mail my email monitor dinged at me and I was afraid it might be someone wanting me to help them with their computer. heh. This was a relief. :-)

Yeah. Jeez. I don't know how you can stand working 40 hours a week. 25 was bad enough for me! I don't think I'll try for full-time the next time I go looking for a job, either. There are so many better things to do (like write software!). But you should take the money you get and buy a new computer with it :-D. I've got this awesome program that I think you'll really get a kick out of. You'll just have to see it :-D

Actually, if you want to play Doom, you should just come over and use my Mom's computer or something (we've got plenty of computers lying around. Just come after 22:00 ;-) ). I don't think it would work very well over the internet. And it'd be hard to coordinate without you having an IMmer, anyway.

Just don't try to come over between the 22nd and the Sunday after that, because I'll be in Kentucky. Looks like I'm going on the church trip again this year. To do what, I don't know. Mostly a bunch of little kids going this time. But Shanie's going, so that'll be neat.

I STILL haven't seen Matrix 2. >:-S

--- "Timothy J. Walton" <> wrote:

yes, i got the cd. I know you already know that though. Man, i don't know why this font is so weird, is it cursive on yours? god, i got like 80 messages from stupid and they're really annoying. I don't know how i got subscribed. I've never looked at one of them because they take too long to load. working takes up so much time; it's no fun. I know i'm lucky to have a job though because it's supposed to be really hard to get one right now. But no one should have to work 40 hours a week at a dumb place.

It's such a waste.

we should try to play doom soon
