date: 2003-07-11
lj-entry-id: 294,93

2003-07-11 - Entry 358 - TOGoS's Journal


bridge over some bike trail in the woods. you can go over it and under it.
off in the woods up near the top of the hill there are these things
that I put there. (what are they? I forgot. like rockets or
toilets or something :-P Anyway, I remember them as being red squares
about 2ft tall by 1.3ft wide on square wooden posts :-/)

Anyway, I'm showing Shanie this bridge. We walk underneath. I think it
goes over the bike trail. Then somehow we get up on top. This is _my_
bridge, by the way, and I'm very proud of it. Other people are using
it. There's some building on the other side. I think it's a little
resturaunt or something.

I was living with these people that I sort of knew. I don't
remember why I was living with them. I think it was only temporary,
house is like 3 stories high
they have big fancy stairway in the center
me and these 2 girls were having fun reflecting lights around the stairay

we were hanging out in this alley with some other people we would run
and jump on this wagon (like the one in the garage) and go over this
jump on it. but then I saw this guy around the corner and he had a gun
or something and I knew he wanted to kill me. So we went the other way
and got out of there

final fantasy movie-type meteor coming.
i know something bad will happen.
no way to stop it, though. It'll either smash into us or just orbit
for a while and make bad stuff happen

Friend driving around in plane
can't fly because they'll see him
gotta stay on the surface. He tells me this after I pull up and fly
around. We get rockets shot at us! goota stop in dumb building...

we stop in this hotelish place. except we're in these rooms that are
open to the outside, so we can see the sky. We sleep in the corners so
the rocket people can't see us. And I start thinking... I think about
being little. what up with sky being weird sometimes? I remembered
that sometimes if Mom took me out of school to go to the doctor or the
dentist or something the sky would be all white and black squares for
a while... Ah. universe saving clock cycles by not drawing sky while
i'm supposed to be in school :-P What a realization! Gotta tell folks!
This is cool!