date: 2003-09-08 (Monday)
description: RIAA dream
lj-entry-id: 308,73

RIAA dream - 2003-09-08 (Monday) - Entry 380 - TOGoS's Journal

Working on Dungeon4 (Ruby, SDL (RUDL))

I had a dream that the RIAA caught me. I came home and Dad started telling me about how I had gotten a letter from the RIAA. Included with the letter was a letter that I was supposed to send back saying that I was sorry for doing the copyright-infringement thing and I wouldn't do it again, and he sent it back in for me. Hmm.

(This is weird because I read on Slashdot, after I had this dream, that the RIAA was having people sign contracts with them that said they wouldn't do it again, and then they wouldn't get sued. Boy. RIAA suXX0rZ.)

I also had a dream where I went to an ice cream place with Sarah or Hannah or somebody. We got ice cream. And there was something about playing Dungeon Master, except it as more like Doom (stairs and things).