date: 2003-11-09 (Sunday)
description: blah, blah, blah, some dreams and d4
lj-entry-id: 323,116

blah, blah, blah, some dreams and d4 - 2003-11-09 (Sunday) - Entry 396 - TOGoS's Journal

Fight, fight, fight. I'm narrowing down the stupid D4 bug that causes the whole thing to hang. I think it has something to do with someone calling 'inspect' on a Sprite or something. Sprites have references to the world, which has references to the sprites. Not to be inspected.

Blah, blah, blah, but it always just crashes, anyway. I should try to reproduce the problem with simpler data structures or something... What I really want to do is re-write D4 and make it cleaner, as it's a bit of a mess right now.

I might finally get around to writing my dreams down, now.

Night before last (Friday night / Saturday morning):

One dream involved

One dream seemed to center around the railroad tracks (and I think they were still railroad tracks in the dream) on the other side of Verona Road. That's all I remember about it, though.

The other dream had me going on a plane trip. I was going to England or something. I had to transfer planes about 4 times and I was afraid I mightn't do it right and miss a flight or something crummy like that.

I woke up at about 9:00 or so, then looked at the clock, saw that I didn't have to get up, yet, and went back to sleep.

In the next dream I remember, me and some friends were trying to build a spaceship. It was actually more of a helicopter--it was supposed to fly way up and ten use its rockets (that wouldn't really work, I don't think).

I don't remember exactly how far we got with our spaceship-building.

But later I was flying around in space (reminds me a little bit of that Saturn dream), and I was going around the sun. But I was getting too close, and I was falling. I had the feeling that I had done this before, so I knew I would just barely escape, but I'd use a lot of fuel in doing so.

As I was coming back to earth, I was hearing about some little girl that got stranded on some other spaceship. But they managed to rescue her, and she was coming back home. There was going to be a huge party on the moon.

So in the next scene, there I was on the moon. There were a lot of people there, and we could see the Earth behind us. It was all blue and pretty.

Then the ship landed. It was like a movie. The door opened and the kid stepped out with the light from inside the ship behind her. Everyone was cheering and stuff. It was very dramatic, like a movie, and a bit like that dream I had that got all quiet as I stepped into that control room at the end. Anyway, after that my teeth started falling out and turning into screwdrivers.

This mrning:

I had a dream in which fizz stuck some needles in his eyes. It was supposed to be some sort of fad jewelry. I was telling him that that was a really bad idea, and that he should take them out before he got really hurt. But he didn't care.

Then I turned into Gordi from ST:TNG. Someone had been screwing with my brain, and I was all confused and everything was screwed up and scary.

Then there was this dream in which I was at this fancy dinner. All the people there were into eating babies. So they were all dressed up and stuff for this fancy dinner and they were going to eat babies. It was messed up. So I left and went across the street to this stable. I was telling everyone there that there was a bomb. Because there was. I don't remember how I found out about it.

And then in the next dream, I was in my 3rd year of college. I was thinking about how I was goint to try to squeeze in so many classes so I could graduate early. Some people told me that I shouldn't do that, but I didn't care. I wanted to graduate so I could go work at Home Depot and make money.

And then I was at home and Dawne was there and talking about how she had seen Jon at the recycling center.

That is all. (It's Monday already. Blech.)