date: 2000-10-12
content-type: text/html
description: Win98, NApster, Picture taking
lj-entry-id: 152,178

Win98, NApster, Picture taking - 2000-10-12 - Entry 40 - TOGoS's Journal

This morning, some guys from Yemin blew a big hole in the side of a U.S. destroyer. They also had a big fight over in Israel.

Last night I had a dream that involved going over to Shebazz and I don't know what else. As it progressed, I slowly became aware of a really strange, uncomfortable feeling that I haved had before. I was out walking around the base of the bike bridge by Hammersley when I realized that, I suddenly woke up. I don't know if I realized it was a dream before I woke up, tho.

When I got home, Mom made me dress up and go to church to get our picture taken. Afterwards, Dad commented that "pictures are evil." "They remind you of the past. The past is of no value." Hmmm.. I've never heard Dad say anything like that before.

I got a neat idea for my club. I'm gonna tell them to write the date YMD, and to speak english better. Write/pronounce words as they are pronounced/ written ( through/thru, buffet, zylofone, ambition ), and to say gooses instead of geese. A few days ago, I got a new sound card. It works in both linux and win98 (which I reluctantly got from Will on sunday). I regot win so I can use Juno, the backpack CD-writer thing, and use com software. Got new version of Napster too.