date: 2003-11-29
description: Moulin Rogue, TGL 1
lj-entry-id: 327,222

Moulin Rogue, TGL 1 - 2003-11-29 - Entry 401 - TOGoS's Journal

So much for getting anything done with D4.

I just made another TGL rip-off (TGL 1), this one based on the 'welcome to Nanju' theme (same one as Munky's 'Big Blue & Round' OC Remix). And I took an intermission to go watch Moulin Rogue (the 1952 movie) with Mom and Dad. It was a pretty good movie.

Anyway, after the movie I came back and worked on the song some more. It turned out really awesome. And some of the awesomest parts I couldn't even hear on these crappy little speakers as I was composing it. Some of the percussion stuff more resembles the snare/bass drum from concert band class than the techno beats I usually do. And I didn't realize how powerful that bass drum was until I heard it through Ma's speakers. :)