date: 2003-12-07
description: 404ed!
lj-entry-id: 329,118

404ed! - 2003-12-07 - Entry 404 - TOGoS's Journal

Well, I need to do math homework today, and I really ought to get that speech at least mostly done, as I have to give it on Wednesday.

On Friday night we went roller skating. It wasn't as cool as the first time. There were too many people and they kept doing 'special' things that sucked. But on the way there and back we listened to 80s music on the radio, so I just finally got 'Pseudo Echo - Funky Town' downloaded (oh, but it has illegal headers at the end! grr!). And when we got back we watched Trainspotting. Last night we watched Dune, and that was pretty cool, but Fizz says the book was better. I don't really remeber the book very well. Then I worked on D4 until about 4 in the morning. I'd have it back to about where it was before I re-wrote it soon if I didn't have to do other stuff and could work on it constantly.

Oh, yes. Then this morning I had a awesome dream:

It started out that there were some aliens around or soemthing. There was this railroadish thing that people took to get around. Someone told me that I should wait until the people ahead of be got off, and then get off at the next stop (or something like that). So I tried it. I was with a few friends. Andy and Fizz might have been there.

We got off into this big, alien building. It was all black, inside. It seemed to be made of big rooms with curving walkways going through them. We split up and took different paths, but a few rooms later the walkwas converged and we were back together. We came to the end and there were these big, black, round things that looked like sattelite dishes. Then these lasers started shining around and I realized that they were mirrors and they were going to cut us up. I went out a side door...

I walked around outside a bit, and found another door farther along the building, at the last section. I tried to kick it in, but then realized that it wasn't even locked, and walked right on in. There was a room full of people having some sort of meeting. I tried to blend in. There was a door that was to some sorf of closet/tunnel that went back up behind the previous room where my friends were. I had been here before, in a dream, so I knew what to do. The tunnel was full of 'pirate stew', and I had to drain it out. So I opened the door and started pulling the stuff out. It was clogged up, though. I shot some potato chunks with my BB-gun...

Later I was tinkering around with this place as a Doom level. There were some lines of sergeants and things. I was putting grass textues on things in the outside area.

I was telling some kids in Otts about this cool game that we liked to play. It was like duck hunt or something. Probably related to that Doom level. They were making fun of me because I didn't know loads of physics stuff like they did. They asked me whether glue was a solid or a glass, for instance, and I didn't know.

Then I was back working on Doom levels. I had made about 4 or 5. I was using this police-tape (like on our door) texture which was cool, but then I overused it really bad and it became dumb.