date: 2004-05-02
lj-entry-id: 369,141

2004-05-02 - Entry 459 - TOGoS's Journal

The night before last after I got back from my walk down southwest road and over to 151 and back to the room (this was friday) I got finished up with the TE3D internals (key and door specials implememnted) while we watched Pi. That was pretty cool.

That night I had a ream in which there were these big islands with trees on them in this river. Any and Kayla were on one of these islands and they were too stupid to figure out how to get off so I had to go help them out. And there was some other stuff about hanging out on islands, too.

And then yesterday I finished up the data for the TE3D demo game, which is also pretty schweet. Now I have TODO:

We also watched The Fifth Element last night, and it was awesome.

This morning (before Andy's mom came and woke me up looking for Andy) I had a dream. In one part I was walking down the grassy area behind our houses and stuff (there's not really a grassy area there). I was remembering how we used to come back here to celebrate my birthday, and there were some little kids there now, doing just that. This was after I had seen evil Will Richardson sneaking around in a treeish area that I liked to go in, and I knew he was up to no good and had followed him in.

I am now working on 'runin' (Mulker 29)

I've been playing through my 188 hour MP3 playlist for about the past week, and am now at Psilodump. As mentioned in entry 444, I still haven't gotten around to re-writing the SS2 PHP stuff. That stuff was a mess, anyway. I should de-complexify it for next year.

Blurry reminds me of 1997. But it was made in 2001.

Finished Biology crossword. Gotta do EE homework #7.