date: 2004-05-21
tags: walkmap
lj-entry-id: 377,234

2004-05-21 - Entry 469 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night after hanging around with Fizz for a while and talking about him finding a computer I decided to go walking to Verona. I walked down Lewon and stuff. I was walking down Tawhee and saw a couple people walking the other way and tried to avoid eye contact and then saw that it was Claire Curly, so I said

Oh, hey Claire!

Oh, hi! How're you?

Ummm I'm good. I'm walking to Verona

Oh. We're walking this way

Well see ya

I picked up an awesome stick.

By the time I got to Verona I thought it'd be neat if I walked all the way to Mt. Horeb or something. By the time I got to Riley I thought maybe that wasn't such a great idea. By the time I was walking back through Verona my feet *really* hurt. As I expected, the sun started coming up as I walked from Verona back home, and stepped in a river so that now my feet were wet and hurt. I was so glad to be home and then I went to sleep.


I had a dream that there were these guys trying to launch a rocket. Everyone was watching as it went up and it was real exciting. Then it turned around and crashed into a builing. These guys didn't know what was wrong so they just kept trying making little changes and launching again and each time it screwed and exploded or something. Finally A-Day came by with his calculator and helped them figure out what was wrong with his calculator and then it worked.

Then I had this long dream where I was with some other people and we were being walked aroud this large, hilly field by some tour guide. There were a bunch of these places side by side and there were a lot of people all getting walked through them. Eventually we got walked through all of them. Meanwhile, out guide talked to us about hobos. At the end I had a sticker that you weren't supposed to put anywhere inside the area but there was this fence and I put the sticker on the outside. Out here it was like a park or something with pine trees.

And then I had one more dream in which Nora was in my Biology class and she was letting me copy her homework. Her answers were so much cooler than mine.

Ooh it's raining out. My little apple trees all seem happy enough. I will have to get bigger pots for them eventually.