date: 2004-05-25 (Tuesday)
lj-entry-id: 380,72

2004-05-25 (Tuesday) - Entry 472 - TOGoS's Journal

Since I haven't much better to do (hopefully Home Depot'll hire me, and then I will, but until then I don't), I'll probably be writing in here a lot.

I had a bunch of dreams as I was sleeping this morning (after coming back from returning Fizz's computer to his house and all)

We were all back in Platteville. I was with Matt and Fizz and probably Ben and some other guys. We were out behind the dorms in the woods or something. We stopped and Matt got out this container full of mud. But it had marijuana in it. So we all took a pipe full of marijuana-mud and started smoking it. We went back into Brockert (which, as usual in my dreams, didn't really resemble Brockert much). We were walking around blowing smoke in the halls. Then I realized that probably wasn't a good idea.

There was another dream I had in which I was at a swimming pool and I was going to try diving in. Fizz was telling me how to do it. I got up on the diving board and there was a line of people behind me and I was being slow and dumb. It was embarassing. There was other stuff about me hanging around in the swimming poop, too. And I was going to go to the bottom and climb up a ladder. Except I couldn't hold my breath the whole time and I breathed in some water. But it didn't seem to hurt me any.

And in another dream I was in some class. For some reason I was giving a presentation or trying to sxplain something to the class. Except I kept going back to the back row and just talking to my friends that were back there. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, but the teacher (I think it was Mr. Camosy) eventually made me stop.

Then I went outside to the sidewalk between Gardner and Otts and short Ben was there and I was talking to him.

When I woke up I had some music from Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets going through my head. So I decided to go ahead and oggify the soundtrack to those videos as long as my computer was upstairs and all. It took me a while to get the recording working right.

Nothing But Zooms

  1. Beginning Titles
  2. Scene 1
  3. Orange Twigs
  4. King of Mandelbrot Sets
  5. Blue Desert
  6. Blue Desert 3D and Flaming Spirals
  7. Mandelbrot Set Rock
  8. Pink Mandelbrot Set Dance
  9. Orange Mandelbrot Set Dance - With Moldy Pears!
  10. Gray Mandelbrot Set Dance
  11. King of Upside-Down Green Mandelbrot Sets - with Crab Legs!
  12. Ending Titles

Electronic Sound And Music
by Simeon Slovacek
Cal State LA

Synthesizers Played and Recorded
by Simeon Slovacek
Cal State LA

Guitar music
'Lukkannon Fire Dance'
by Steve Watt and Neil Ayer
(c) 1987

(c) 1987 Art Matrix

While making the oggs for these I did a severe upgrade to riptool2. You can now specify which types you want to make, and give it an output filename format, if you like.

Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets

Apparently this guy named some of these. I'll try to use those names in my titles.

  1. 0:00:00 Beginning Titles, some Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets
  2. More Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets
  3. 0:13:00 Yet another Julia Set and Mandelbrot Set pair
  4. 0:18:45 Circle-Fish Julia Set
  5. 0:25:55 Blue Desert 3D / Flaming Spirals
  6. 0:30:30 Mandelbrot Set Rock (Jewel)
  7. 0:35:08 Pink, Orange, Grey, and Green (With Crab Legs!)
  8. 0:44:40 Crystal Palace (this is the song I was thinking when I woke up)
  9. 0:49:16 Green And Black Tubes (Emerald Pearl)
  10. 0:53:30 Cigarette Machine (Berceau Leger)
  11. 0:55:50 Harp (Berceau Leger)
  12. 0:59:19 Drippy Strings
  13. 1:05:00 Blue-Orange-Black Spider Explosion
  14. 1:08:00 Spider Explosion 3D
  15. 1:09:54 War Beetles (Berry Patch / Heavy Metal)
  16. 1:16:55 Water Landing (It's got a Lorenz Attractor in the middle?)
  17. 1:21:07 Marble
  18. 1:22:56 De-Marble-ize
  19. 1:24:23 Liquid Marble / Color-Cycling Quilt
  20. 1:27:47 Ice Fire / Ice Mint / Garden
  21. 1:32:42 Man O War / Reverse
  22. 1:36:24 Escher
  23. 1:38:46 Reverse Escher, Orchid
  24. 1:44:40 Indian Hats, Lorenz Attractor
  25. 1:51:23 Mr. Nice Guy / Evil Q
  26. 1:55:33 Closing Credits


Scenes: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 41, 52, 45, 46
(c) 1990
Celestial Vibe
1118 Solly Ave
Philadelphia, PA, 19111
(215) 745-2737

Scenes: 10, 11, 31, 33, 34, 40
(c) 1987
Neil Ayer, Steve Watt
Northridge Road
Hamilton, MA, 01936

Scenes: 12, 13
(c) 1987
Simeon Slovacek
Cal State, LA

Scenes: 18, 21, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Closing Credits
(c) 1988
David Johnson
8978 SE Star Island Way
Hobe Sound, FL, 32901
(407) 546-2324

Scenes: 23, 24, 43, 44
(c) 1988
Rohan De Livera
PO 264
98 Main Street
Colombo 11
Sri Lanka

(c) 1990 Art Matrix

I'm going to work on my Doom level and listen to the MbS+JS soundtrack, now. Probably. I mean, Mandrake 10 is taking forever to download and Slashdot is boring, as usual.