date: 2004-06-10
lj-entry-id: 389,18

2004-06-10 - Entry 481 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I went over ti Fizz's house and worked on the level and we went running over to glenway and on the way back we went through the sprinkelers at the gold course. I got him the wrong version of TWT again, and it didn't work.

This morning I had a dream theat was all about this huge Doom level that I had made. I drew a map of it after I woke up. Before that there had been another area that I was hanging out in. It seemed that all the posters around that I liked were made by Playboy. Which I thought was weird bcause they were posters of cars and stuff. Out the window of this place you could see other buildings antd some roof tops. At some point I thought it'd be cool to try to jump between a couple of them. If it didn't work I could always hit 'f', after all. Or reswpan. I don't remember if I made it or not.

There was something about being at church, except it was sort of like a doom level too. Ma was there in one of the rooms and I was looking for her. There were windows and things so you could look right through parts of the building.

But then there was this other level that was all huge. It was sort of like Crapi MAP15 in that it had a lot of outdoor areas, but it also had a lot of indoor stuff like MAP05. It was all big and huge and awesome. I was starting to make it so that it'd tell you the name of an area when you walked into it. Up in the northeast corner of the level there was a big outdoor area that was all cliffy and confined. I think it had some rivers and lakes and bridges in it, too. While we were up there we were told about these little colored disc creatures. Normally they were all stacked up so they were sort of like snakes, but when they attacked you they would unstack and the discs would hop around on their own and they'd try to jump on you and poison you. I bit one of the discs until it was (apparently) dead. Someone got the idea to throw marshmallows all over so that later they would get all huge and sticky and the disc snakes would get caught in them. We started moving them off of the road so that we'd have a way to get through.

I ate a lot of marshmallows.

Down on the south side of the level there was this big underground part, and at the end of that there was maybe a teleporter or something that took you back to the start. Or something. And over at the west end there was a big old indoor area that I didn't really go in much. Maybe that was the part from earlier with the posters and the roof tops.

Somewhere along the way I dropped my bed in a river and had to fetch it out. Maybe that was over by the marshmallow area. I remember there was more to it than that, like someone had told me earlier how to fetch my bed out if it fell in that river.

At the end of the dream I was eating ice cream with whipped cream and various other toppings on it.