date: 2004-06-15
lj-entry-id: 393,162

2004-06-15 - Entry 485 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was with Fizz or something and we were looking at buildings as potential Doom levels. Or something. We were looking at what was supposedly the main MATC building which was completely covered in dark red bricks and was all curvy and had these large pipes (also covered in bricks) coming out and going down he sides. It was a pretty cool building, really. This was after we had been learning about the guy who designed the sears tower and had seen a building he designed earlier and then demolished because it was not space efficient or something. But it had been all curvy and brick like this one.

I was with my dad and we went through some airports getting home from somewhere. We ran into Fizz's parents and they stole a jacket from a pickup truck next to them with weird looking guys in it. And I took some geen pants. Later I found out that those pants had their tickets in them so I was running back to give them ther pants back.

At the end of the dream I was walking home from Platteville. I maybe had some water with me but maybe I was just wishing I did. Someone along the way was talking to me and asking me about what I was doing. I was thinking about how walking home from Platteville wasn't realy that hard because I had done it before and it only took all day (leave in the morning, get home at night). Biut in RL I'm sure it'll be hard enough just to walk to blue mounds. Maybe if I rode my bike... Anyway, there was this building along the way that I stopped at, and there was something about watching TV and angels, and I was supposed to be one of them but I was too busy. Or something.

Gotta go fix computars this morning.