date: 2004-09-20
description: Nappy Dreams
lj-entry-id: 429,160

Nappy Dreams - 2004-09-20 - Entry 527 - TOGoS's Journal

After I came back from Statistics today I felt like taking a nap. So I did.

I had a dream that me and Fizz and A-Day went to eat at Glenview. We had to talk to someone on the way in, and I ended up taking a bit longer than they did. By the time I got in there was some lady saying "No, we're closing. The other side is closed, too. Go away." I said "Well can I get my money back, then?", and she said "Oh yeah, sure." Then I went over to the other side and it was perfectly open, after all, so I got some green pudding and stuff like Fizz and A-Day had.

Then there was some stuff about a hamster that ran around this big building and jumped on spring boards and went into his wheel and shot himself out into space, somehow.

And then I was going around with this rope. There was this telephone pole out by the sidewalk in front of this big hotel. It was covered with staples as if people had been putting posters up on it for years and years. I was playing around with my rope and the pole and found that I could stand on the side of it with my sandles because the staples provided so much friction. Some big guy standing on the roof of the hotel was helping me climb up this snowy cliff, and I was helping him do the same. Or that had happened in the past. Anyway, the guy was up on the hotel making a commercial for it. He was talking about how great their water slides were. Meanwhile, I used the rope to climb up to near the top of the pole. The rope wound around the pole as I went up. When I got the top, it was like a voice was telling me to let go. So I jumped off. As the rope unwound it swung me around and down until I landed safely on the ground. It was really fun. I yelled to the guy that this was much more fun than his stupid hotel, and was free. He said something like "well is it watery and fabulous?" because he was trying to look good for his commercial, and I was like "No. It's better".

I woke up to the sound of someone trying to unlock the door and get into our room. But I thought that Andy had come in to take a nap, also, so it must be someone else.

TOGoS: "Hey a-day, are you up there"

A-Day (mumbling): "uh-huh"

Finally some RA with curly hair came in and started messing around with our mirror. I went outside to the water fountain and got a drink and filled my water bottle. I came back and Andy's dad was standing around in the doorway talking to the guy and stuff and Andy came out. I was thinking about how our dorm was based on IndigoServ or something. It was a web server that allowed you to look at the Routing table when you handled a page request or something. For some reason that was really useful.

A-Day's Dad: "So you were breeding white mantises behind your mirror?"

The RA proceeded to pick more bugs out of the back of the mirror.

A-Day: "Yeah. I know I shouldn't but..."

A-Day's Dad: "Yeah, I know how it goes."

Then I woke up. Andy went to eat dinner. I did not. We need to go do the EE lab.