time: 2004-10-26 09:36:00
content-type: text/html
lj-entry-id: 435,169

Entry 543 - TOGoS's Journal

Yesterday I took a nap in the afternoon and during the time I was sleeping I had a dream where I was outside talking to A-Day's mom. Then this tornado came and we ran into one of the dorms. I thought it was great that I finally had a big, sturdy building to go into when a tornado came at me. Then it went off into a field somewhere as we watched it out the window. Then it came back. A-Day's mom was still outside and she was yelling about being in the tornado so we let her in. And then she was yelling about this butterfly that was caught outside. So I let it in. But this ghost came out of it and blew away, and it died. It was sad.

I woke up and fell asleep a few more times and had other cool dreams but I don't remember them.

After dinner I sort of worked on that History paper like I'm supposed to be doing, but then Fizz had me go downstairs and watch 'American Beauty'. Which I thought was pretty good. Then we tried to run around the block, but Fizz couldn't run that far so we ended up walking a lot of the way.

Then we went up to the 4th floor and ate apples.

I had a dream that I was going to Florida to visit Dawne and the kids. I was going to take a plane. There were these cheap tickets you could get if you didn't have any luggage or carry-on items. The tickets were orange (for the more expensive one) and blue (for the really cheap one). I was at the airport talking to someone who worked there and trying to buy tickets. I think I had to have a parent there or something. Even though I'm like 20.

I was at home, and my plane was supposed to leave at like 7:30. I was telling my Mom that I needed a ride to the airport and she was like "oh, of course" It was past 7:00. I needed to leave *now*. But Ma kept insisting that we had plenty of time and wouldn't go. Then it was 7:40 and my ticket indicated that my plane had taken off. I was kinda pissed.

"There went 12 hundred dollars", said my dad.

I was walking around thinking how stupid this all was. I was going past the playground in front of ORE and there was some little girl there that started talking to me. She reminded me a bit of Hannah. So I started telling her about how I had missed my plane because my mom wouldn't give me a ride. Then we went around picking up little rockets that were lying all over the playground and we were going to throw them or something.