date: 2005-01-01
lj-entry-id: 51,166

2005-01-01 - Entry 568 - TOGoS's Journal

I spent last night and most of this afternoon working on a Sauerbraten level (TOGoS/chain1). I got tired of that and worked on Crapi MAP05 a bit. Now I'm tired of that so I'll finally write down all my dreams and stuff.

I think I had cool dreams the night before this most recent one, but I no remember.

I was walking or driving home from a town to the east of Madison. I don't remember if this was something I did often, but I think that I had been for a few days. My house was like a big, flat building. There were two routes you could take through the house to get to the part that I liked to be in (which seemed to be my kitchen, and was the only part of the house that looked like my real house at all). One way went through a big kitchen full of white and stainless steel. It also had a cyberdemon in it sometimes, and that was scary.

Ah, yes. After that we were in Brockert. Except it wasn't anything like Brockert besides having trees near it and more Dorms to each side. We were running from the Cops for some reason, and it was scary. We were running through the building trying to figure a good way to escape to another building without them seeing us. Joh was being annoying and I had to kill him. Which gave me even more reason to run from the Cops. Eventually I ran through the next building and out the back and then I was running along a muddy trail through the woods. At that point I realized that I was dreaming. So I kept running along the muddy path anyway. Because I guess I couldn't think of anything better to do and I was probably just going to wake up or go into another dream. Which is exactly what happened.

Last dream I was in a classroom. Actually there were a couple classrooms front-to-front (the ends with the chalkboards faced eachother - it was like 8th grade). Me and another dude (Taugher, maybe) were going back and forth between them. We were both showing off projects we had done, and sort of competing with eachother. I was stroking some sawdust. To my surprise, it became a regular piece of wood (with green paint). I could make it longer by rubbing more sawdust onto it. So I was making a sculpture. But then the other guy knocked into it with his stupid radio and it fell on the floor and I thought had some internal fractures that would weaken it. So I got mad and rubbed more sawdust.

And then we were in Fizz's room. Or my room. Or maybe Paul's room. A room at that end of Brockert, anyway. We were watching TV but then one of our friends walked in who had gotten hold of a nuclear bomb. We took it apart and found that the inside was made out of an old cardboard tube. Then we threw it out the window.