date: 2005-01-06
description: Blum Beer, AoE parking garage, RLO janitor cart dreams
lj-entry-id: 54,226

Blum Beer, AoE parking garage, RLO janitor cart dreams - 2005-01-06 - Entry 570 - TOGoS's Journal

I managed to wrap around so now I wake up at midnight. From here maybe it's easy to get back to regular like (editor's note: No it isn't; now I'm just more messed up). I had dreams that there was thig parking ramp full of guys. It was like AoE. You had to build a lot of knights and things and then you could let them out of the parking ramp. Dawne and kids were there, too, and they had their own rooms they needed to fill with knights and things. Also, RLO rode by a lot in a red janitor cart with some girl driving a lot. I think that was his job. Mr. Blum gave me a lot of beer for my birthday (I'm turning 21 on the 10th, you see).