date: 2005-01-28
description: Fat assembly line, big expensive recorders
lj-entry-id: 69,223

Fat assembly line, big expensive recorders - 2005-01-28 - Entry 580 - TOGoS's Journal

In one dream I was working at a fat assembly line. Fat people would come by and we'd slice them open and peel a few layers out. I was always worried about being consistent but the guy that was training me just peeled it out in huge chunks from their torsos and arms. We didn't worry about stitching them back up, either - the next guy down the line did that.

And then I was shopping with my mom and we were in this big imported stuff store. She was wanting to buy a recorder. Except a recorder was this big huge sort of partly covered bowl thing with a little pipe coming out and a mouthpiece with a hole that you could stick your fingers in. And it was all made of wood. I picked one up and blew into the mouthpiece and it made a really loud sound. Ma was going to buy one, and I had another one that I was carrying around, but they actually cost about 400$ each, so she didn't want to buy 2 just so I could play with one once in a while. So we figured I'd just put it back when we came back to the store. And in the mean time we were driving around and there were some other folks with us and we were trying to find a place to eat. All we could really find was McDonalds, and we didn't want to go there.