date: 2005-02-01
lj-entry-id: 441,186

2005-02-01 - Entry 583 - TOGoS's Journal

Last time I went running I got a bad headache. This time my foot hurts. Except I don't think it was from running. I think it was from sitting on it funny while I was at Fizz's house.

Workin' on the next newsletta

Hey, that was cool. TOGoS::TRGnomoradio::Recommedation.refresh() worked (almost) the first time. (Seems I had to take the value of those rexml elements, as get_text returns a text node, not the value in it - so I fixed that and it worked the second time.)

I should start writing about my progress for SE4110. I'm considering sticking in an SQLite server into the TRGnomoradio helper process. I guess I first have to see if I can even do the IPC stuff with reasonable efficiency on windows...