date: 2005-02-04
description: kinda like a pentium
lj-entry-id: 79,63

kinda like a pentium - 2005-02-04 - Entry 586 - TOGoS's Journal

I stayed up really late last night doing the Database homework, so I didn't get a lot of sleep. I seemed to have plenty of dreams, though. I told Andy about them while we were walking to EE. I'm not sure I remember them all, now, but here goes.

In several of the buildings around campus there were these computer labs that were all the same. It was a wide room, sort of like a movie theater or a control room. There would be 2 doors into the 'back' of the room, and then there were ramps that would go around the sides up to the front where maybe there was a big screen. It was all dark except for the glow from the monitors, and there were usually a lot of people in there working on stuff. I was going around between these rooms in different buildings trying to find Andy.

There was this country a little south of Russia that consisted of about 10 guys that looked like my EE teacher. We were in one of those computer rooms watching a news about it. Putin was visiting. The USA went in and took over the country because they didn't like some copyright infringement (or something) that was going on. The news showed Putin being escorted out and they were saying 'what was he doing there?'. I was getting pissed. I was asking my Dad how can we just sit around and let our stupid government be such jerks to people.

Then there was this part where I was in the bathroom pooping except my Physics class was there and my poop came out really hard and brick like and I couldn't manage to kick it back into the toilet so I asked my mom what to do with it and she told me to throw it in the compost.