date: 2004-02-07
description: sick again
lj-entry-id: 442,78

sick again - 2004-02-07 - Entry 588 - TOGoS's Journal

I've been blowing snot all over the place lately. Working on TRGnomoradio, listening to Mulker 37.1, eating popcorn, thinking this feels kinda like a couple springs ago, where I got sick but then got all nostalgic...wish I had a link. And this popcorn reminds me of the colloseum. This Mulker reminds me of something I did years ago. For some reason it makes me think of Mulker 12, which, now that I load it up, seems to be the exact same length (8:50). Or maybe it just reminds me of Depeche Mode. And the Leetness Maze. And stuff. Oh! And seeing if( blah ) then stuff statements in Ruby takes me back, too. Something about having a cold always makes me remember fond memories.