date: 2005-02-14
description: Golf course forest house shortcut dream
lj-entry-id: 83,77

Golf course forest house shortcut dream - 2005-02-14 - Entry 592 - TOGoS's Journal

Apparently I have problems and I need to seek professional help. Also, I should write more interesting entries. Yay for the Delete button.

totally schweet shortcut

+-win---+	    .
|Tanya's|	    . ----------------------------------+
| House | forest    .  			       		|      	       	  .
+-------+      	    .  		   	       		|     		 .   .
 forest	   	    .		   	       		|     some trees .   .
           forest   .		   	       		|   and stuff  	 .   .
	       	    .  		   	       		|  	     	 .   .
   forest	    .		   	       		|  	     	 .   .
. . . . . . . . . . .  	       	       	       		|  	     	 .   .
  |		     		   			|  	     	 .   .
  |		     		   			|  	     	.   .
  |		     golf course   			|  	     	.   .
  |		     		   			|  	     	.   .
  |		     		   			|  	     	.   .
  |		     		   			+  	       .   .
  |		     		   			   	     ..	  .
  |		     		   			   	   ..	 .
  +---------------------------fence------------------+        .....    ..
		     		   			  ....	     ..
..........................................................	.....

So there was this big rectangular golf course. The road that went by reminded me a bit of Glenway, as it got a bit woodsy and headed downhill east of the golf course. If you headed to the far norhtwest corner there was a forest with some paths through it, and if you headed to the far corner of the forest you'd find Tanya's house. (Both the forsest and the golf course had fences around them, so you might have to walk a ways to find a break.) In the far corner of Tanya's house there was a room with a north (according to my map) facing window with horizontal metal blinds over it. That window was sort of like the edge of the world, being at the north end of the house at the north end of the woods at the north end of the golf course. So I got curious and went out there. I followed another path for a little while and found myself in downtown Madison near lake Wingra (OK, lake Wingra isn't really near downtown; maybe it was lake Menona, or maybe I was near Monroe Street). Anyway, I thought that was a totally cool shortcut. I ran into some guys that I had seen before near the golf course. I was telling them about how I had caught up with them so easily just by taking the shortcut but I don't think they really believed me.

And then there was this other dream where I had to take my Statistics class another day. Except it was in a different room and we had a different Japanese guy for a teacher. He looked a lot like Nashimoto, though. I was thinking how it was nice that it was only one day that I had to be there because that ensured that I wouldn't have anyhomework or quizzes. I got out my notebook to take notes, anyway. And sat at the bar in the middle of the room.