date: 2005-03-29 2:45
description: I almost stabbed myself in the head with a fork
lj-entry-id: 457,105

I almost stabbed myself in the head with a fork - 2005-03-29 2:45 - Entry 623 - TOGoS's Journal

Ooh oh oh oh oh ohhh!!!1!1!!11

I have so much crap I needed to do today but didn't because I was busy playing either Voxel Cave, Sauerbraten, Terragen, or Reason. Or making rice.

I went to church yesterday. I didn't know it was easter until everyone there was talking about it. Winton was telling a cool story about exploring a cathedral in Germany (I think that's where, but it's irrelevant). They went up into this big room above the uhh...main cathedral area. Which would be pretty high up as those places are tall. Up above the rafters they were. And then they walked over to the steeple and there was a stairway going up, so they followed that up to a platform. And from there there was spiral staircase going up, which they followed up and found the platform with the big bells. They thought they were at the top, but then the kids discovered a ladder that went up to another platform, and up again about 4 times. This all reminded me very strongly of some dreams I used to have, in which I was in a large empty building with stairways that led up to another eerily well-lit room. And if I looked enough, I would always find another stairway going up to yet another creepy place.

And everyone was there. A lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time. RLO said hi to me and I didn't know who he was at first. I had to look at his name tag. And then I didn't believe it. He looks a lot healthier than he used to.

And there was this cute girl that kept talking to me. I think her name was "Simin". That was pretty nice, especially considering how stuff like that never happens in Plattville (where if a girl is talking to you, you generally wish she weren't).

Oh, and it seems that Tom guy has more cool stuff than just the Voxlap Cave demo.

Oh oh oh and I almost forgot to write about the dreams I had.

Most of it was taken up by fretting about having a lot of assignments to do right before the end of the year (summer was like a week away, which isn't too far off from the truth). I had some dumb assignment I had to do for my music class, and I was wandering around, eating at Glenview (standard Glenview morphing going on, here), and going into Doudna trying to find a class that I could use to do this assignment (sitting in a different music class was part of the assignment).

There was another little part where I was at Fizz's house and I needed a spoon or a fork or a knife (I don't remember which). I didn't want to get out a new one, because they already had a pile of used utensils that needed to be washed (it just so happened that they all had big globs of peanut butter on them). So I started washing dishes. And I am reminded of cuboid green and white voxel rocks.

New track: Perlin 1.0

New track: Perlin 1.2 (wait for it, I might not have 'approved' the non-existent downsampling, yet)