date: 2005-04-02
description: Party nights
lj-entry-id: 463,240

Party nights - 2005-04-02 - Entry 628 - TOGoS's Journal

Spent last night playing with GLUT (snowman tutorial) and embedding Lua into a C++ app. Had some dreams. In the first one I was on a bus or something and Fizz's mom was there. I think she was talking to me about school or something. At the end I was playing Descent, and in Descent you could blast through walls like in the voxel cave demo. I blasted through a wall and found myself in an office where my parents were talking to the guy in charge of the kit-kat factory. He was talking about how they wanted at least 2 feet between all their tunnels. I was trying to figure out what he meant by that. Did he want 2 feet of chocolate around the center of each kit-kat bar? The guy looked about 27 years old judging by the hair on his forearms.