date: 2005-04-07 1:16
lj-entry-id: 466,88

2005-04-07 1:16 - Entry 631 - TOGoS's Journal

Spring is here. Time for me to feel bad for not being outside frolicking. Hopefully Fizz and I'll get some freestyle walking (or even running) down sometime. It was really neat out today with the rain and all.

I had a dream that Fizz came over and we were drawing mazes and he kept drawing swasticas all over and I was thinking that was weird. Then Mary came over and told him it was time to go. I was thinking about the corn maze that I was drawing.

All the buildings on campus (not including the dorms) had these cool balconies out on the second or third floors that you could walk out on, and sometimes there were bridges between the buildings. (Meanwhile there was this big thing about a new family moving into Boebel and maybe I was the butler or something but this part is only vaguely remembered even though it seemed to last a long time - maybe I remember something about trying to escape through the underground garage.) Me and Fizz and Andy wanted to join all the buildings with bridges, so I think we were going to work on that. Across the (rather large and nonexistant in RL) road to the east of (the very mutated for the purpose of TOGoS having cool dreams about it) Boebel there was a large apartment building which housed a guy that we knew. He had a webcam and we'd talk to him and watch him on his webcam sometimes. He liked to show us his GF and Andy thought she was hot. I think Andy made some sort of deal with this guy that if we build the bridge from Boebel to his apartment then he'd give us his GF and a lot of bananas. So we built the bridge across, and his GF turned out to just be Nicole with a lot of makeup. But it was all good because now we were all walking back to our room enjoying bananas.

This afternoon I had a dream in which we were walking around on a frozen lake. Some guy was telling us that it was scary because it was really deep where we had parked our hovercraft. We were trying to get it started again when I wandered off and fell through the ice. It wouldn't be so bad except I floated off under it and was trying to break back up through with my head and it wasn't working.

And then I was riding around in a truck with the hillbillies.

Need to take break from TGLThing (now that I've gotten SDL working the next step'll be to parse command line arguments and make a nice viewer for my Terragen panoramas, and after that maybe start unifying all the initialization code or filddling with lighting) and do homework. Gotta get advised tomorrow.

New track: Mulker 41.1