date: 2005-04-08
music: Prince - I Would Die For You
description: ooh cool
lj-entry-id: 468,155

ooh cool - 2005-04-08 - Entry 633 - TOGoS's Journal

Looks like I don't have too much schoolwork that is due in the near future. We need to work on the SE386 stuff tomorrow, and we need to get on that EE lab, and we'll have some other stuff assigned to us in DB and CAOS soon, but for now I'll take a night and spend it working on TGLThing.

(Nice dream edited)

Then that guy from Cuna woke me up and read a me stupid script about how they had to make difficult decisions. And I had to go get advised, anyway. While I was waiting for Clifton to get done talking to Gast I invited myself to a new gmail account and wrote a righteous response to that Cuna guy. I will never check that account for responses.

That fixed version of Mulker 41 should be coming along any time now... Until then you can download the dumb version and fix the ID3 tag yourself. Not that anyone cares. I'm listening to the Sonic II chemical plant music and it's so much cooler than anything I ever made...

Now to work on TGLThing.