date: 2005-04-17 19:07
music: Standing Outside A Broken Phonebooth (newly downloaded!)
description: morning run/cloud viewing, cool new roommate dream
lj-entry-id: 473,85

morning run/cloud viewing, cool new roommate dream - 2005-04-17 19:07 - Entry 638 - TOGoS's Journal

Ooh. It's thundering outside. I like it when it's stormy because we can open the window and get some wet breeze through the room and I don't feel so bad for not being outside frolicking. Which is something I did this morning (feel bad about not being outside frolicking) so I went running around the track a few times. As I was running eastward I looked up and saw the sky and it was so cool. I guess I hadn't actually looked at the sky much recently - the first thing I thought was 'oh, it looks like the sky in farcry'. Except it was much bigger, cooler looking, and higher detail :). I was out just as the sky was going from dark blue to light blue and it was shining through these big, puffy, dark clouds and it looked really neat.

I had a dream a few nights ago in which everyone moved out to the house except me. So I still lived in the dorms and I didn't want to pay for a single room and this girl moved in with me. I think maybe I knew her already, like we had gone to high school together or something. Our room seemed to be the bathroom - it was the same shape and in the same place relative to the hallways and stuff, but it was a dorm room with desks and beds instead of a bathroom. Even the shower stalls were there, except they were more like cubicles than shower stalls. And I liked to work in one of them with my desk facing outwards. At first my desk was pointing a different way and I had to move it, but then I was really happy with the setup. My roommate and I'd play doom and shout over the walls and stuff. It was good times.

Then I got invited to this party. It was at some house out in the suburbs, and looked more like one of those fancy new developments in Madison (read: curvy roads, big houses, and no trees) than Platteville. I was wandering around between people's yards trying to find the party. I found it eventually and hung out there for a while.

After a while I started missing my old room. I headed back and hoped that my roommate hadn't found someone else to fill the vacancy, and I felt bad for staying away so long. I got back and was relieved to find that she was still there waiting for me, and nothing had really changed.

I had a dream maybe a few months ago in which me and Ma and maybe Shanie were poking around this mutated version of Westgate. It was all curvy and there was this section of offices that stuck out and overhung the parking lot. We were climbing around in there going up and down stairs and trying to find new places. This place was mostly open to the outside, so we were walking on these curvy raised concrete stair/walkways. In the middle there were some offices and at the ends there were some stores that we couldn't get into because they were locked up. Finding new places was hard, but we did find some little offices tucked into the corners. Finally we found an elevator back in the main part of the building that took us down to some other rooms. And there was something about some builings out behind the mall, too.

I don't remember when I used to hear this song - it doens't bring up any specific memories - but it feels like something good must've been happening around then.