tags: tall-building-dreams, rain-dreams
date: 2005-04-29 1:48
description: Transparent Cube HQ, rainy Flad, VB.Net, Mulker 42
lj-entry-id: 482,21

Transparent Cube HQ, rainy Flad, VB.Net, Mulker 42 - 2005-04-29 1:48 - Entry 647 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream last night that I was starting to work at this big company. They were showing me the building. They showed me lots of offices and stuff. Then we went waaay up this long elevator to the roof. About 200 feet above the roof they had this huge transparent cube that was full of offices. It was like a whole other building, except it was all transparent and floating and awesome. You could see all these people walking around in there and working at their desks and getting soda from the soda machines and stuff. Later I was walking around up on top of the cube. It was starting to get stormy, and I was trying to make sure I had a place to go so I wouldn't get too wet when it started raining harder...

And then I was at Flad park and it was starting to pour. I was out by the swings and I wsa trying to gather stuff up and take it back to this house. Or a tent. Or maybe back to some area in that big transparent cube...There was this kid out there and I was trying to convince him to come back with me and bring his bike because otherwise he was going to get totally wet and cold. And I think he had a dog with him, too. Actually I'm just making stuff up, now.

Gave my SE411 presentation today. It sucked, and I'm really glad it's done and over with. Then I wrote my first VB program (for my Database class - those .NET libraries sure do a lot of work for you), and eventually I came back and worked on this track that I started last night now called "Mulker 42.0". I'll post links when it's more ready. I coughed real loud on a fingernail and woke up A-Day.