date: 2005-05-04
music: Metallica - Sanitarium (at 96kbps)
description: I fail teh dropbox test. Li/Goodwill/Hot White Dresses dreams
lj-entry-id: 486,161

I fail teh dropbox test. Li/Goodwill/Hot White Dresses dreams - 2005-05-04 - Entry 651 - TOGoS's Journal

I was trying to apply to work at Goodwill. I was hanging out in my old red bedroom and it was stormy outside and there were lots of other people around. Li was there talking to me and giving me advice on applying for the job. I sent an email to them and to Li in which I said why they should hire me and I used all sorts of goofy punctuation and capitalization (like this: "i'TS" instead of "it's"). Li didn't know that it was all wrong and from then on he started writing like I had in that email. I had to tell him that I was being funny. And he was surprised when I told him that they didn't seem to be hiring me. Later, Li oversaw that we all slept cozily on the floor of the red bedroom.

Meanwhile, we had the back door open and a window in front of the living room. So all this wind was blowing through the house. My dad was telling me not to put bottles there in front of the window, because they'd get blown over. I wondered why we didn't just close the window.

I was with a bunch of people and we were going to stay at this house down at the north end of Rosa road, in Madison. The hillbillies used to live there. I used to come by and say hi to Jed and Elly as they were working in the garage. So when we drove up (on our bikes, I suppose) I looked in the garage window and saw then there. People asked who I was waving at, and I looked back and they weren't there. I had just imagined them there because I was so used to seeing them, but there was just a dark, empty garage.

We went in and they gave us dinner and we all got ready to go to bed.

We had been outside as it was getting dark. We had been painting a big wooden sign. Actually I was painting and the other folks were watching me. What I was writing on the sign was actually some CS-related joke (and what it said was false). Which I realized was sort of pointless because the only people that would get the joke (and understand that what the sign said wasn't true) wouldn't be interested. Oh, well.

And I had also been walking around at the south end of the road at one point, except then it was the west end of Nakoma, instead of the south end of Gammon. Where it meets Midvale. It was sort of like that, anyway. The road it connected to didn't really resemble Midvale. But that's not important. Anyhow, there were these business guys up there, and one of them was talking on his cell phone and also talking to the other business guys (they were wearing ties), and he was saying that "MP3s are going to take over the world. If you don't believe me you shouldn't expect to wake up tomorrow morning". The other guy was laughing at him because he knew he was full of crap.

I was riding my bike up and down Rosa/Gammon, and I hadn't been holding on to my money well enough and it flew all over the place. So once I got to the end of the road I turned around and started picking up my money. I thought I had only dropped 1 dollar bills here and there, but I kept finding 5s and 10s and 20s, so it was even more important that I go back and pick them all up. I was intending to have 2 in my hand so I could give them to Fizz for the eat-food-downstairs-at-the-church thing.

I got back up to the top of the hill at the Gammon end of this road, where it met the beltline. It seemed they had turned some of the islands into places where you could stop your bike while trying to cross the road, and I liked that. So I started riding back down the hill.

I started waking up. I was very cozy and warm and I liked it. Big fluffy white blankets. And rather bright in this room. A guy said "Man, it's hot in here.", and another guy said "Yeah, even the dresses are hot.". I thought that yes, these dresses are rather warm, as if they just came out of the drier. And then we all wondered why we were up in this attick wearing big, white, scratchy, warm dresses. I tried to think what was the last thing I could remember...we had just eaten dinner and were going to bed...did those people drug us or something?

Then I was waking up in my very own bed. Oh, yes. This is where I really sleep. Andy was sleeping next to me and I had my arm over him. He grumbled something, so I said "And I love you, too", but he didn't care. He was too asleep. I looked at the window and the sky was blue, as in early morning. I wondered what time it really was, as I had no idea. I had gone to sleep at about 7:00 or a little after. Something startled me, and I had my hand in a 'deer head' configuration under a sheet with the light shining through from the back, so you could make out the shape well. I screamed "bah!" and had my hand do the mouth motion for that. Andy (who was sitting in his chair working at his computer) thought that was funny.

And then I finally woke up and it was about noon and I had to get up to go to SE411 at 3:00. Except I had to get to Ullrich a little earlier to ask Qi what was up with my test that I got only 10% on. It turned out I had submitted the wrong file. Oops. So I gave him the right one and I hope he doesn't take lots of points off just because it was late and crap, because that would be dumb.

Living with Fizz and the Bens is going to be stressful. They're all so crazy. I'm going to miss A-Day a lot while he's in Minnesota.

Yay 4 teh alternative volume control. Now I can use my headphones in the Brockert compy lab without hurting my ears or the headphones every time windows decides it wants to 'talk' to me.

Tee-hee. Some guys are having a loud argument in the hall outside, but I can't really hear it because I'm listening to music from my box on my headphones :)