date: 2005-06-13 3:27
music: Phil Collins - True Colors
description: Sunday sunday someday
lj-entry-id: 504,160

Sunday sunday someday - 2005-06-13 3:27 - Entry 668 - TOGoS's Journal

I don't remember what I was doing last night, but I did it for a long time. I think I was trying to learn Erlang or something...Whatever I was doing it was a waste of time because I didn't get anything done and I didn't have much fun, either. Then I got up at 7:40 so I could get to church (the one with 398 tiles on the veiling) by 8:30. The guy talked about grass. Apparently he thinks quack grass is totally evil. After that I rode my bike up the hill and went to church again. Nobody especially interesting showed up, but I got the oppurtunity to ask Winton about when and where he was going tomorrow tomorrow (that's today) morning. He'll pick me up at 7:00. Or 7:30. I forgot which.

Then I wasted the afternoon. I can tell I wasted it because I didn't get anything done and I didn't have much fun, either. I think I just ate some food and that was about it. Then we ate pasketti. And then I was trying to invent D5 and Fizz walked by. Then I realized I was doing D5 wrong so went outside to think about how to do it better and to wait for Fizz to walk by the other way. Then I watched a squirrel and tried to have good ideas and the Fizz+folks came back the other way. And then we met Dom while I sat in a tree. And Fizz showed off his cell phone. And we went to Fizz's house. And walked back and forth a lot. And his Dad told us how to get to Ben's house. And then it got dark and I drove us to Ben's house and it was fun. And at Ben's house we sat in the back yard and talked about stuff and ate food and went on stupid scary little adventures. And then we talked some more. And then Fizz got a hug from Ben's sister and I didn't. But I don't go for smokers anyway so oh well. And then we both guessed the correct direction of west and the current time to within 4 minutes (I guessed 2:13, Fizz guessed 2:14, and his phone said 2:10). We thought that was cool, since we hadn't seen a clock for a long time. Then we drove back and talked about more stuff. I have to go to farm with Winton tomorrow. I mwan toeday. in a fre hours. now o=i sleep.