date: 2005-07-27 13:27
music: Nargs and Mulkers
lj-entry-id: 524,56

2005-07-27 13:27 - Entry 688 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this resturaunt that me+friends (including Fizz and the actor who played George in Seinfeld even though I don't actually like him at all) hung out in and played video games in. Like, we'd bring our computers in and put them on the tables like a LAN party. Fizz and I were working on Doom levels between AOE sessions. Eventually we left and got in this van and George was sitting in front and I was trying to tell him about my Doom level but then he just started talking to the driver. And then he yelled at me for talking when he was talking. It was really annoying.

In another part, we were about to get on a bus, and we saw that there were 3 different ceilings - the one on the bus and 2 in the garage the bus was stopped in - that had the same white panel texture on them. While the bus was going one of us was saying that the bus driver had found a good way to lose weight - he just didn't eat lunch. And I was saying that the reason he was able to do that was because he just worked right through it. If he took a break for lunch, it would be harder not to eat.

We got back to our resturaunt. The guy that ran the place had the front room open, which was like a convenience store with bags of chips and things, but this wasn't where we liked to do our LANning. I was talking to Fizz and he was mad and said that it was Saturday. Eventually we got the guy to open up the rest of the place to us. I had never noticed how this place was layd out before. In the first room, there was a lot of old people, but as you moved through the diffent rooms of the resturaunt, the people got younger, until you got to the back and it was a bunch of college kids. Except this time there were a bunch of black guys back there and none of them were playing AOE. I wondered where my friends had gone.

Later I was designing a level for some game. There were these telephone poles that I had to put in along this path because they were needed for visibility calculations. But I thought they were kind of cool so I didn't try to hide them. And later this guy showed up and was walking around and talking to me and I was telling him how he reminded me a lot of my dad. This guy was a civil engineer. And there were all these 'activity stations' set up, like a rope bridge. And this one where they tied you to this bunch of metal bars that made a platform, and you would move them around with your arms and legs to help other people get across. And then there was this one thing and people kept putting their aminals on it. I was thinking about how silly it would be if someone tried to put their giraffe on it while I woke up.