date: 2005-09-02
music: Surge
description: Saws and Christmas Rage
current-activity: Hooking up Crapi levels
lj-entry-id: 539,187

Saws and Christmas Rage - 2005-09-02 - Entry 698 - TOGoS's Journal

Fizz went home for a couple days. I'm spending the time fixing up all the Crapi levels. As in the meta-map. Now I need to go through and actually implement all these things. Putting in orbs and blue Z-Door shortcuts, for instance.

I had a dream that I was plaing an alpha version of Spore. I was in tribal mode, I think. Wanted to try out others but never got around to it. I was controlling a bunch of the 3-legged guys Will came up with for his presentation. And the thing that stuck out most at me was that the water looked really dumb. Like if you looked into a puddle you'd see the inside of a blus sphere with a yellow grid on it. So I was actually sending a letter to Will Wright showing him what water should look like. And I was drawing reflections of clouds and trees and for another example stars. And writing little labels with arrows. It was unusually consistent and realistic for a dream. And then I realized that since this was just an alpha, they probably planned to make the water look good, anyway, so I shouldn't bother them with this letter.

Apparently Avista called, so I called them today and then went to the library and got my schedule and then called them back and now I have to go to the library often to check my email because I don't have a telephone.

And as school's coming up on Tuesday, I need to get on that 2005 summer recap business as mentioned earlier.