date: 2005-09-15 21:00
tags: strange-house-dreams, basement-tunnel-dreams
lj-entry-id: 545,111

2005-09-15 21:00 - Entry 708 - TOGoS's Journal

Being sick reminds me of other times. Is it always fall when I get sick like this? Nose running all over, waking up in the middle of the night with a sore throat full of snot. The carpet in the music room, the quiet. Reminds me of middle school, or earlier. Unlike DiffEq which felt like hish school. Classical music playing reminds me of hanging out in the basement with my mom. Being sick makes everything feel different.

Need to sleep
too excited about projects. Want a Cell.
Openoffice draw tools.
go to sleep, TOGoS.

I dreampt that I was Superman. The only thing that could hurt me was this fancy machinegun that shot like a bazillion bullets per second and someone was shooting it at me. I had a friend with me. Dunno. Somehow we wended up at my house in Madison, where I was showing him my old room. And this was all totally not my real house in Madison. It was some crazy TOGoS dream version, in which there was this long hallway that you had to take to get to my room, and then it had this huge closet that Mom and I used to read books in. And there were no windows but it was magically lit everywhere, anyway. Surreal just like so many other buildings in my dreams.

And once inside my old house, parts of which I hadn't seen for decades, it became even more cliché (in fact leading me to create a new entry about just this sort of dream), as I soon discovered a vast section of my house (several hallways - one with a small oval-shaped loop in it, and many bedrooms) which we hadn't used for years because the 2 doors that led back to it had been sealed off for some reason. Now that it had been opened up (I didn't know how or why) I was having a grand time exploring all these new rooms.

I remembered going on a field trip during which we surveyed a bunch of hills as a road went over them. It had something to do with (the constrruction of, I assumed) my old room.

Me and the Bens and maybe Fizz had gotten ahold of an old incomplete map of the house. It wasn't very professional - really just some sketches done in pencil. It looked like something my dad would have done. We ended up, by following the map, digging up a tunnel that went all the way around the house. I don't know if there really had been a tunnel there, but by the time we were done there was a big ditch. And pretty soon it was all grown over with corn, giving our neighbors (who were corn farmers, apparently) some extra land. After a bit of exploring the basement, we finally found this old underground egyptian-looking building. And under that there was a tunnel that was sealed off that we thought probably went to the university.

We were all in some part of this house scraping paint by my mom's orders. Now Mary showed up, except she was like 5 and she really didn't look like Mary either now or when she was 5. But it was Mary, in any case. I was telling her about all the things that were going to happen between now and when she was 16, but everyone thought I was crazy. And it really didn't make sense anyway, because everyone else was their regular 2005 age. We were at this resturaunt called 'Fizoli's' (close in name to the actual resturaunt 'Fazoli's', but not quite). This was a funny resturaunt because you had to dress up really fancy, and they'd make sure you were proper before you went in, tucking in your pockets and fixing your shirt for you. It was very classy. So I showed up with the guys and I think my mom was there, too, and I was wearing a green shirt with a pocket on each side of my chest, and a clip on tie hanging from each one. And 2 employees stood around and fixed me up. They left the ties alone, though.

I want to work on tmapgen, now. Need to add entity support. Do DiffEq homework later