date: 2005-10-02 22:47
subject: Scuba kicks, but Ben can be a douche.
lj-entry-id: 558,82

Scuba kicks, but Ben can be a douche. - 2005-10-02 22:47 - Entry 721 - TOGoS's Journal

A-Day came down on Thursday to be in the Carrier Fare. He was taking resumes and talking about how LasX was a cool place to work. And after all that was done he came over and stayed at out house until this afternoon, which was awesome because A-Day's an awesome guy and he helped us do awesome stuff, like hook up a webcam to monitor the front door (time-lapse AVIs pending) and set up the sound system and strobe lights in the basement (including the work he did hooking up my computer to the amp while I was at an SE group meeting) so that we can have awesome rave parties. Speaking of parties (not neccessarily awesome rave parties - in this case just stupid drunk parties), Ben tried to have another party Saturday night like we did 2 weeks ago but not many people showed up and it was lame. And then Kevin and Tim Rearden (sp?) came over and that was cool but Fizz was at work and then Short Ben left and there still weren't many people around and then after Fizz got back some big guy picked up our keg and took it over to 540 because they wanted to play drinking games and it really didn't make any sense because it'd've been a lot easier for the people over there to come here than to lug our keg over there but it was Ben's party so I didn't really worry about it and then after all the people left me and A-Day put some trance music on really loud and got some ravercise and that was totally fun because strobe lights and techno music are lots better than drugs according to Kevin and I wouldn't really know because I never did any drugs but this was all lots of fun so that claim is believable. And then while we were dancing around suddenly there was another dude in there dancing with us and it was Scuba and I was like "kick ass!!!!1" and then his girlfriend was there too but she wasn't dancing which was weird because it was so much fun and we even had a non-strobing red light in there which was cool because if you stood by it you'd be sort of permanantly lit in red light while the rest of the room was flashing behind you as if you were some ephemeral being in this world of transient flailing madness.

So everyone else had gone downtown and me and A-Day and Scuba and his GF were hanging out in my room trying to find some music by Covenant (some goth industrial band) when a bunch of dudes walked in and wanted beer so we tried to sell them cups but there was a snafu and we only made like 15.00 and Scuba was taking care of the bar which was awesome because me and A-Day were tired.

After all was said and done, White Ben said that he somehow managed to bearly break even. And we still have some beer left.

After A-Day left Fizz and I walked to the M. It was plesant sitting up there in the wind and a couple drops on us and meeting some large cricket-like things, but all that walking was a pain in the feet. We don't practice like we used to.

People on Garageband that say Mulker 42.2 sucks are obviously stupid or something because that song rocks.

A'ight. Back to the ole' homework.