date: 2005-10-23 19:49
subject: CourtDent
lj-entry-id: 569,243

CourtDent - 2005-10-23 19:49 - Entry 730 - TOGoS's Journal

Some interesting dreams:

There was this big (like, really huge) room. Or maybe it wasn't a huge room but just a tower. Along the walls on the inside were these ramps that I had to work my way up. A friend of mine, like a supervisor of some sort, was talking to me, telling me that I just had to keep going because I had to get to the top to help him out somehow.

I was at this party with Fizz and the Bens. They had arcade games and pinball machines at the house we were at. Eventually we were out on the back porch and looking at the stars. As everyone else headed in I was looking at the sky and it looked like there was a firework going off way up there. But it was getting closer and I realized it was going to fall right on me so I ducked my head under a plastic chair. Then all these burning boards fell all around me. I was OK, though. I guess after that I went and was talking to my advisor (which reminds me that I need to sign up to get advised soon).

My parents were driving around town except it looked like Madison but I lived there and they didn't. I just happened to see them driving around and I jumped in the car window and said hi. My mom was yelling at me not to ride in the window like that.

Blah blah blah something else that I don't remember now.

I need to work on D5 and SE homework. Therefore I will not finish this entry.