date: 2005-11-19
tags: railroad-dreams
subject: Platteville towers, sticky points, SMB editing dreams
lj-entry-id: 577,226

Platteville towers, sticky points, SMB editing dreams - 2005-11-19 - Entry 740 - TOGoS's Journal

Maybe 3 nights ago I had a dream in which I was wandering around campus with Fizz and some folks. There were some apartment buildings that were like 12 floors high by the road. They were small, though. Like, only about 8 feet thick and not much taller than the regular (4/5 floor) dorms. We might have gone in and checked out the interior, or maybe I was just thinking about how it'd be cool (as if there's any difference in a dream :P).

The next night I had a dream that I told NickJames about but I've now forgotten what it was. Oh yeah, I was going to see the third part of Lord of The Rings but before it started I got on my bike and was riding off into the country for some reason. And then I remembered the movie and I had to ride all the way back which was several miles of hilly country roads with cars shining their headlights in my eyes. There was some other stuff about being in movie theaters waiting for the movie to start or I was outside talking to the staff or something.

Last night SBen and I went to Scuba's and watched Natural Born Killers which was awesome. And I hacked on TJS1 until it seemed to work. Next I'll ad more operators and try and make it do something useful like control a bot.

And just now I had a dream that Fizz and I lived in separate houses that were across a road and railroad tracks from eachother. To get to classes he first had to walk across the road which was annoying because it was rather busy and then along the tracks to where I lived. His folks were all there visiting. His mom was asking me where Mary and Fizz went and I said, "those are them right there", because I recognised them by the way they were walking. Then I wasn't so sure. Then we got closer and it was them, after all. And then I was trying to make a 'sticky point' but I couldn't remember how so I was asking them, but then I made one a couple feet off the ground and attached a flower to it. I was going to make the flower really awesome but I put yummy stuff in it before I was done and all sorts of bugs came and started eating out of my flower because it was so yummy so I couldn't finish the top of it until the bugs left.

Dealing with sticky points led to me showing Hannah how to make Super Mario World maps. She was making some pretty cool places but didn't really know what she was doing. She accidentally put in a big crushing block and got frustrated when she kept getting squashed by it while trying to play her level. We were looking at one of the original castle maps and it was very strange. Like it was a big square where you started in the center and there were walls around the edges that you had to get around to get to doors that would take you to other parts of the castle. And I started thinking about how I'd rather be making Super Mario Bros. maps instead, and as I woke up I thought about that more, and about how I wanted my SMB clone to look and feel like an NES game but be strange and mysterious like it is in my dreams sometimes.

New Track: Mulker 44.1