date: 2006-01-09
description: HVF ride, Queen Aria's isladnds
lj-entry-id: 594,104

HVF ride, Queen Aria's isladnds - 2006-01-09 - Entry 752 - TOGoS's Journal

On the way downtown to my HVF truck ride, I saw a graffiti that said "</bush>" and one on a door that was a USB symbol. Then I hung around the square for about an hour because Richard and Anika (I think that's her name) were like 25 minutes late. Then we drove around and delivered fruit and vegetables (and apple butter) until about noon, and after that I walked home, and I was tired and hungry and it felt awesome to get home and fall asleep for a bit. And on the side of a railroad bridge the text read "Trill Teks Bogus Blunt C-Notes".

Fizz and I were at glenview, getting sandwiches.

Fizz and the Bens and I were in Boebel. We were standing outside a classroom, talking about going in. I think we were designing an airplane or something. And hoping someone would provide snacks.

I was riding in an airplane over a couple of islands. There was this girl there, and I don't know if I knew her before or not, but I was talking to her. She wasn't quite human - she had a bunch of skinny white tentacles instead of legs. And she jumped out the window and I jumped out after her. There were 2 islands down below us, and we seemed to be headed straight for the ocean between them. Queen Aria (that was her name) showed me how to hold arms over head and wave tentacles (they allowed her to waft about through the air) so that we'd come down on the shore of the eastern island (the one we were closer to). And we just bearly managed to reach the shore. We started exploring the island (somehow I was already somewhat familiar with the other island to the northwest - I think I had built a D5.2-style cabin there earlier). I didn't actually know if it was an island, though. There was obviously water to the north and west, and I could see the shore curving back in the other 2 directions, but I thought it might actually turn out to be a penninsula. We walked south and there was this dog following us. I had to carve out a little cave for QA to hide in because at this point she was an insect-like creature the size of the end of my thumb and the dog looked like he wanted to eat her. "Dumb dog", I said, trying to shoo it away.

I went back north to where the channel between this island and the other was narrowest to build a bridge. I jumped across to the NW island where our house stood right by the shore. The Bens were there and I asked them for bridges. In turn they handed me model wooden bridges they had made for some class. I remarked that I could just as easily lay a 2x4 across and call it a bridge, to which SBen remarked "yeah, if you want to fall in!". I thought about that and decided that it probably made sense even though it didn't seem to. The bridge wasn't for me, after all. I could just jump across. It was for my insect-like friend.

I think Queen Aria had multiplied and now there were several of her kind running around. Some of them looked just like humans, while others were little bugs. There were other people on the island now, and we had to go to some convention regarding these creatures, and so I called into the hollow apple and QA jumped on my finger. After the meeting I realized that she had been under my shoe when I stood up, so that was the end of her, and I felt really bad. But at least there were others, now. One of them asked me where Queen Aria was. I started saying "uhhhh....".

This dream felt really cool when I woke up. I guess that didn't really come across here because the cool thing about the dream was exploring and building on the procedurally-generated islands. It was very D5-like, but more 3D and interactive.

Fighting with a piece of software for several hours and not getting anywhere and having to give up is very frustrating and makes me feel depressed. Jon gave me junk food (and non-junk food) for christmas. I dislike fritos. Make me feel gross.

I've been listening to dkiller-title recently.