date: 2006-01-30 1:44
subject: Scrap Brain Zone
lj-entry-id: 598,50

Scrap Brain Zone - 2006-01-30 1:44 - Entry 756 - TOGoS's Journal

I was loading stuff into the Geo to go back to Platteville. But I didn't have my shoes on yet, and there were a few other things I needed to pull together before I could get going. It seemed to be taking much longer than it should. It was just like one of those dreams I have where things are a mess and I need to get going and it's taking forever to get them together, but since this wasn't a dream I knew I'd get it together eventually. And then I started driving off and just ignored the work that had yet to be done, thinking I'd come back and finish it up later...

And a couple snippets from more recent dreams that I don't remember anything else about:

There were these new pants I had. Unfortunately the waist on them was way too high and to wear them properly I had to pull them pretty much up to my chest and that was uncomfortable.

Looking at sunsets...zooming around the world from midnight to afternoon. Later I was at my parents' house looking at something and wondering if it was really supposed to be like that.

Fizz's folks brought over a TV and Fizz's Genesis, and on the same day the games I ordered from GamingGraveyard (Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, and Beavis and Butthead) arrived. So we've been working out way through the Sonic games. It's funny playing these games again after so many years and realizing how much they influenced how I think and what I do and what music I like.

I got to Final Zone in Sonic 1 and died. Fizz beat Sonic 1 with all but 1 chaos emerald. Ben and I got most of the way through Sonic 2 and missed most of the chaos emeralds. Fizz and I beat Sonic 2 with all the chaos emeralds. It was very exciting when we got to Death Egg Zone because we didn't remember how to beat the final bosses. After losing about 15 lives we figured it out with one life to spare. A-Day and I tried to beat Sonic 3 but we didn't get any chaos emeralds and I died on Ice Cap Zone act 1. Just now I tried to play through the whole game and I managed to get 3 chaos emeralds, but then the thing crashed in Carnival Night Zone act 2 so I re-started from where A-Day and I left off because Sonic 3 saves your game like that. And I went through and beat it but with only one chaos emerald. I think I should try a few more times before playing Sonic and Knuckles.