date: 2006-02-15 8:51
subject: I'm not hijacking the project, dude. Calm down.
lj-entry-id: 604,18

I'm not hijacking the project, dude. Calm down. - 2006-02-15 8:51 - Entry 762 - TOGoS's Journal

I was spending a lot of time playing Sonic 1. Except the game I was playing had very little reseblance to Sonic 1. It had a lot of loops and parts of ground that you would break through like in Hill Top zone in Sonic 2. And there was this one nasty pit full of spikes that I kept getting caught in. The whole time I was playing one huge, long level. The screen had VHS-tape like artifacts going across it, which confused me a little bit because I was actually playing the game, not watching a tape of myself playing it.

Later I was playing a Sonic 3/Sonic and Knuckles-style bonus area. The kind where you have to go around and collect blue spheres. I was running around and it was getting really fast and I sort of messed up so that I missed 2 spheres in the middle of several others. Fizz and A-Day were there cheering me on as I frantically jumped back and forth, trying to position myself to jump over and get those last 2 without running into anything red. I woke up before the game ended.

I was riding bike along a bike trail by a place that somewhat resembled Elver park. It seemed very real at the time, but my memory wasn't working quite right so I had a strong hunch that I was dreaming. The trees to my right gave way to a grassy valley and a ridge on the other side. I rode my bike down through the valley and up to the top of the ridge where there were some other people. I was about to ride back down when some lady said "Eric? What are you doing?". She had mistaken me for her kid out of the corner of her eye but it was a good thing because otherwise I'd've rode my bike right into a hole in the ground through which I could see a parking lot at the bottom of the valley. The ground in this place had an unusual topology.

There was some girl we knew, and there was this jerk that would always come up to her car and start pounding on the windows and looking really mean when she parked. So one day one of us were driving with her and this guy came up and we backed out quick and he chased after us and we ran him over. Then we got out of there because we didn't want any business with the police. Fizz and I went running down the street in white T-shirts and it was foggy.

We were playing Super Mario Lost Levels. One of the later levels. Except it was like the lost lost levels. Because I was comparing it to regular lost levels and thinking how this one was so much harder. We were in world A, in there was this loop of wire (as in the ones that platforms run along in Mario 3 and Super Mario World, but white) that carried a bunch of cannons around that you would have to jump into and out of when it was pointing the right direction (like the barrels in Donkey Kong Country, but black).