date: 2006-02-28 1:05
subject: Being drunk doesn't give you a free pass to be a dick.
lj-entry-id: 606,117

Being drunk doesn't give you a free pass to be a dick. - 2006-02-28 1:05 - Entry 764 - TOGoS's Journal

We went to Madison on Saturday for the 'Pink Floyd Laser Light Show'. Went walking to Ms. Nelson's house and Elver with A-Day, and met back up with Fizz, Atticus, and Andrew at Fizz's house. The Andys and I decided we didn't want to blow 20$ on a 'Pink Floyd Laser Light Show'. We drove around and went to Borders and Quiznos and the Memorial parking lot and then went downtown to the Union. After the other guys came out of the show we met up with them. Atticus and Andrew went home. Ben and friends walked to Dan's house. A-Day and Fizz and I didn't catch up with them until their house, taking bad turns but crossing cool bridges and passing other cool places in the process. Then we walked to some bar and A-Day had to stop a few times (like at Taco John's) to release the crisco cookies we had gotten from my house. At the bar we drank a couple boots of beer. Then we went to another bar and played foozball a bit. Then we went to some party of someone Fizz knew that we had also passed on the way to the bars. Then A-Day and I got the heck out of there and walked with quick, wide strides down the bike path to my house. We woke up early in the morning and Ben and teh Fizz picked us up and we went back to P-Ville. Sunday lasted a long time and instead of doing homework I started a...

New project: D5.4
Another new project: Learning to hold grudges against jack-ass roommates.